How to Use


Joint Pains

Of all the pains that attack the human body the knee and the ankle pain and back pain are very common in the world. They are very severe and excruciating when not treated. They will make the person an invald of any age when it strikes. Thennamarakkudi Oil is the only answer and cures the pain. The wear and tear of the knee and ankle joints cause mental strain and financial drain on the person. But Thennamarakkudi oil cures such of these joint pains in a very short time with less expense.

Directions: For Knee and Back Pain

Take one table spoon of Thenamarakkudi Oil and heat it moderately; and apply gently on the affected ports: massage the affected areas gently; and then after two hours of application of the oil wash and clean it with hot water and soapnut powder; repeat the process fill the pain desappears.

Sprains; Catches; and all kinds of nerve pains

Directions:Take one table spoon of Thennamarakkudi Oil heat it moderately; Apply gently and massage slowly the affected part of the body. After two hours give hot water fomention for relief and cure. Repeat the process till the affected part is completely relieved from pain.

Bone Fractures and Dislocations

These days bone fract ures have become a common occurance because of accidents. There are so many occasions when the pain in the fractured area is not cured, and there is no medicine in the allopathic system for dislocation of Joints except pain killers.

In the Siddha System dislocated Joints are reset and Thennamarakkudi Oil is applied for fixing it in position without getting dislocated again.

The affected joints and fractured bones have to be set properly in position and bandaged by an expert after consulting the Xray. The oil is to be heated and poured over the bandage which covers the affected part at a regular interval and give hot water fomentation gently. This treatment given for two or three times repeatedly restores normal functioning of the dislocated joints; and the fractured bones are positioned and are set without any further damage. Pain is relieved. The person moves and works as usual in a normal way.

Skin Diseases There are so many medicines available in the market for itches, ringworm, Psoriasis and eczeme but none of them had stood the time as the sure cure for the above mentioned skin deseases.Thennamarakkudi oil alone works like miracle in curing the skin deseases mentioned above.

Directions:Clean the affected parts well with hot water. Apply the oil and gently massage the affected area of the skin. After two or three hours clean the medicated area of the skin with hot water and soapnut powder.
Repeat the treatment daily in the morning till the skin is cured.

Cuts wounds and burnsDip a piece of cloth in the oil and cover the affected parts. After a day or two the affected part is cured without trace.

Cracks, Blisters

Most of the people in Tamilnadu are susceptible to the onset of cracks and blisters on their heels and suffer the pain which is bearable to a certain extent; Before the onset of this malady the sole of the heel becomes very hard losing all smoothness which it usually possesses. The hardness is the indicater that cracks and blisters are about to set in. For a long time the patient never bothers until when slowly pain sets in. Then he goes for some medicine which will have no effect upon it.

Here comes R.S. Krishna Thennamarakkudi Oil to seal and close the opening of the cracks and blisters. The oil part of the medicine softens the area and the medicinal part of the oil cures the malady. Gently apply Thennamarakkudi Oil on the opening of the cracks and blisters; and in the morning clean it with soap or soapnut powder. Within three or four days the cracks on the heal will be closed and pain disappear. When ever the onset of this cracks set in use Thennamarakkudi oil.

Like frost bites in cold countries water bites are common in tropical countries. Apply Thennamarakkudi oil on the water bites and clean them in the morning. In three or four days the bites will disappear. Use Thennamarakkudi Oil when ever water bites set in.
